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Sunday, November 22, 2009

DEEEMBER 5th 2009.time will be 11.30 am is on friday.. meet tempeines station.there is a gathring at sakura restrau and is also GUO LONG, GUO SHENG and CI WEI are going to NS...so we have a small gathing for us..so try to free on that day...any question message me or call me...81133306.

See you there..!

4:42 AM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

steamboat dinner at amk (;


6:01 PM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally , can get to upload pictures ! Dk wth happening to blogger for the sometimes . Fuck-it ! Seeya ! (;


8:04 PM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hello People , ytd went marina.S tgt for movie ! (; how much lovely , funny && jokers ey' are ! ;D having so much fun . (happy) Is a moment of precious time that we spent w . (:

I felt im so lucky to spent sometimes w you all . Is a god bring us a good terms cherish of memories . Is so precious to me !

(alan , weichiang , guolong , huiling , ciwei && me)
Missyou Guys );

Upload that day pic ! :D

==' cutepost && looking for hunt . Hahaha.

130809 at bedok (huiling is not in the pic)

Huiling , Nicole , Alan , Me , Weichiang && Guolong (at esplanade)

the memories it kept.....


8:46 PM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Old School ; Old Picture (;

Remember the city ? Remember the town ? Remember the place ? That we hung around ?
We ran through the rain . Laughing & skipping . We came back inside . Giggling & dripping .
So many yrs' later , We've grown far apart ); But we somehow came back && gave a new start . Our laugher resumed && so did our play . But one day we promised that even to this day . "Nothing will come between us . We'll always be there , We will always be family friends . && I know We'll always Cares'" (But , this sentence seems lyk fading .) W a smile && a wink . We gave each others a hug . && there in our arms . We was so safe & so snug .
But little did We know that was the last time We'd see each others ? For when the knews was spoken the next day . There was no doubting it was true..

True Friends - The people that stick by your side through the worst of situations . These are the people that when you get into an argument , they'll call you at three am & apologize until you forgive them . True friends always are there when you need them && they don't turn they're backs on your whenever you do something wrong . True friends last forever in the hearts && minds of the people they'r close to...

(Mamoru Huili
W loves';D)


8:12 PM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

♥ Ohs , I Am getting more && more Lovesyou Guys ! :D
Readers should know who im refering to , rights ?
I mean was just a fews of them .
Hahaha. I know while eu guys read this will get shock .
But ..... Haahs , i know it getting crazy or mad for readers ((:
Alrights ! (; I shall stop here for my few sentence . {:

MISSES' , w loves';D
takecares people(!)

Seeyasoon !


8:06 PM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[:

Sunday, July 12, 2009


This coming 15-07-2009 wednesday going back to new manjuri secondary school for the counseller farewell...
just bring 10 dollar for the food....meet you guys at 1.30 ajnd MRT station we go there by bus... so any question please contact me(Alan)....Or tag.


10:34 PM

^_^We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER..Forever Family^_^[: